Development update

No updates in a while, I got stuck implementing a new feature I’d wanted to include in the next release, the ability to pinch zoom and pan in the edit geometry view, for finer control of geometry mapping. I managed to get myself in a mess over the way I tried to implement it by manipulating the model matrix, just when I think I had zooming figured out, some other aspect would stop working, it frustrated me for days. I eventually fixed it by more sensibly managing the view and got the problem fixed in an afternoon. Sometimes I wish I was working with someone, having a second pair of eyes would be so useful when you can’t see the wood for the trees.

So finishing off a new release, not so much in this one because of aforementioned problems. It will fix a couple of bugs I picked up and add the new pinch and pan UI for geometry editing.

I’ve still got some major updates and new features to come that will enable some powerful new behaviours, keep updating the app! And if you have any ideas for feature you would like, drop me mail and I’ll see what I can do.

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