Project and GIT Analysis

Time to have a look at my GIT statistics again a couple of years in. This project started out as a learning exercise, but eventually developed into a fully fledged application in iOS and OSX versions, so there’s a lot of change in the code.

The Reality Augmenter project currently has 1812 commits. With GitStatX, I can look at how those commits break down by hour, days, months and years, giving a peek into my natural working cycle. Looking first at commits by week:

Commits by day of week
Commits by day of week

I still stick to a working week, but out of that, Friday is my least productive day, followed by Monday, Tuesday seems to be when I’m busiest. I do occasionally put in work on the weekend, but not regularly. Next let’s look at time of day:

Commits by hour of the day.
Commits by hour of the day.

As we can see, I’m not much of a morning person, I don’t really get going till midday, then my commits go up till a peak of around five-six o’clock, probably because I’m thinking about dinner and committing before preparing and eating. I continue working late into the early hours of the morning. Usually after I’ve bashed out some larger tasks during the day, I’ll spend the evening tidying things up, tweaking things and adding comments.

Next we’ll look at the files and content in the project, I’ve got 2 different counts for lines of code, GitStatX lists it as 177859 lines, but Project Statistics says 39124, I’m more inclined the latter is a more realistic evaluation that ignores XCode specific stuff. Here’s the graph from GitStatX:

Lines of code by date
Lines of code by date

It keeps getting bigger, but a few things I remember about it. The small hump at the start is where I was learning a lot, but I was very badly organised with some terrible code in there, a total rework followed with los of reorganisation and consolidation. The project grows steadily until April 2014, that’s when I released the first beta of the OSX version, at which point it was all about bug fixing. Several more beta releases follow until my 1.0 release in November, a few more point releases follow in November, but the big jump is when I started thinking about iOS support and started setting up the project to support it’s future development. Since then the project grows steadily, with small jumps for new features.

I’m currently finishing a new slideshow feature for iOS that I should done and submitted for review in the next couple of days. I’ve still got a few more features I want to do, and to rework some aspects of the UI, but I’m pretty close to what I want it to be. I think it’s a great little tool that should appeal to a lot of people, but I need to spend more time selling it rather than coding it.

Graphs in this post were generated by GitStatX, and some details from “Project Statistics for XCode

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