New Features
This update gets rid of the layers table view, replaced with a new view that shows the layer geometries instead, so you can instantly see which layer is which. From this view you can tap any layer to edit it’s properties. Layer geometries are locked by default to stop accidentally interfering with the projection, to unlock, either long press on any area, or touch the edit button in the top left. You can then select and edit any layer like before, pinch to zoom, pan, and a long press to unlock snaps. The geometry view also looks a bit prettier and the checker pattern let’s you see if you’re texture edges line up or not, snapped nodes now appear in orange instead of blue.
The layer properties editor now has perspective correction, the default is off and the Reality Augmenter uses bi linear interpolation by default, this ensures the edges of your textures always line up. You can now turn on Perspective correction for a more correct 3d mapping, but the edges of textures are not guaranteed to line up, in many situations, this is not an issue.
Bug fixes
Fixed crash when trying to connect to a google cast device with an iPad.
Various internal code updates.
As usual, for any ideas, bug reports, suggestion, don’t hesitate to contact me.