New Feature : Video Player
A new input source is avalaible, a video player! Can loop videos, slow playback rate and set volumne. Uses av foundation and should play all standard video file types supported by Apple.
GUI Improvements
Sources can now implement popups to change values after insertion. Only implemented for video Player for now.
Other fixes
Overhauled thread management and coordination, eliminates some random crashes.
Cleaner seperation between Model and Render operations as part of the above, results in smoother GUI response for some operations and less headaches for me in the code.
Processor image inputs update correctly when changed.
2 Channel mixer sets correct dimensions.
Screen capture can be inserted again after being deleted.
Updates checked for in a new location.
Known Issues
Still some occasional hangs when starting or opening a document, less frequent now, related to core data. Improvement is an ongoing task.
Video player can occasionally struggle with HD videos, but eventually settles to running smoothly and constantly. Seems to be related to AVPlayer.